Save Sukumar's Heart

Save Sukumar's Heart



  • About

Sukumar’s Story

Sukumar is one of 68 children, currently under the care of the Neil’s Home (Have Faith Projects) in India.

He is a gentle soul. At 15, due to his stature, is often mistaken for someone younger. He always just got on with things, never complaining, happy to just be part of whatever is going on. This made the fact that he was quite ill difficult to diagnose.

Sukumar required unexpected, life-saving, open heart surgery on the 10th January 2018. Though he is now home, there is a hospital bill of £4,500 (approx. with current exchange rate) to pay before the deadline of 28 Feb 2018.

The full story can be found on our website:

Can you help and be part of his story?